establish two dedicated funds that will be available to receive and
collect outside funding, which includes a Business Interruption
Fund to provide financial assistance to businesses experiencing
significant operational disruptions due to the fires, and a Worker
Recovery Fund to support workers who may not be eligible for
unemployment benefits, which includes those who are
self-employed and/or independent contractors facing
employment challenges as a result of the fires, the funds should
establish equity-focused criteria for disbursing funds to affected
workers and businesses using the Anti-Racism, Diversity, and
Inclusion Initiative equity explorer, as well as incorporate need,
impact, and consideration of other sources of Federal, State and
local funding that may cover the cost of the harm or loss
experienced, the Director of Economic Opportunity should
immediately identify a third-party intermediary, report back to
the Board in writing within 15 days on funding criteria, and begin
disbursing funds through the third-party intermediary within 30
days of adoption of this motion;
Authorize the Director of Economic Opportunity to execute
agreements with philanthropic organizations to act as fiscal
agents for the aforementioned funds, ensuring efficient and
timely distribution of resources to impacted parties with an equity
lens, waive the requirements of Board Policy 5.100 so that this
can proceed on the necessary expedited timeline, but require
that the Director of Economic Opportunity complete the sole
source checklist, including review by the Chief Executive
Instruct the Director of Economic Opportunity, in partnership
with relevant County Department Heads and the County’s
Emergency Operations Center, and leveraging their network of
America’s Job Centers of California and Community Based
Organizations, to increase awareness of and increase access to
existing Unemployment Insurance and Disaster Unemployment
Assistance and other critical resources for workers that have lost
wages due to the fire disaster and its impacts, prioritizing
workers with the highest socioeconomic need; and
Instruct the Directors of Economic Opportunity and Consumer
and Business Affairs to coordinate with the Chief Executive
Officer, relevant County Department Heads and State agencies,
the Federal Small Business Administration, Office of Immigrant